发布日期 :2017.09.06 浏览次数:3049 次
作为College Board(美国大学委员会)官方命题机构历来比较关注的话题,新SAT对“女性主义”的考察不仅会选择某些有代表性的女性作家的作品作为考查点,而且还会选择小说角色或者主角是女性的作品。女性主义主要从更宽泛的角度去体现、描写,强调女性的价值、思想、情感、理想、社会地位等等。
OG Test 1 Passage 4——女性就业机会不平等
OG Test 2 Passage 4——女性的政治权利,即选举权、投票权
OG Test 3 Passage 4——女性在家里的角色
首先,我们从“女性主义”的基本概念说起,里面会涉及到一些基本的英文说法,希望大家都记忆下来,考试中如果出现的话,对于这些基本词汇的理解可以帮助我们尽快理解文章。女性主义(feminism)又可以叫做女性权利(women’s right)或妇女解放(women’s liberation);女性主义的定义如下(来自Wikipedia):
Feminism is a range of movements and ideologies that share a common goal: to define, establish, and achieve equal political, economic, cultural, personal, and social rights for women.
女性主义运动(Feminist movements)的内容包括:女性选举权(women’s suffrage, woman suffrage or woman’s right to vote),女性担任公职的权利(the right to hold public office),女性工作和获得公平报酬的权利(the right to work, to earn fair wages or equal pay),女性财产拥有权(the right to own property),女性生育权利(reproductive rights for women)。 其中女性生育权里面包括可以获得避孕和流产(including access to contraceptives and abortion)。另外女性主义运动还致力保护妇女和女孩免受强奸,性骚扰和家庭暴力(protect women and girls from rape, sexual harassment, and domestic violence).
In 1900, United States society was warming into an environment favorable to women’s suffrage. Governments at all levels were concerning themselves with social welfare. Women considered themselves qualified for these new undertakings. "The instant the State took upon itself educative, charitable, or personally helpful work," claimed one suffragist, "it became in need of the service of women." And women became convinced that, to accomplish social improvements, they needed political power, embodied in the vote. Suffragists modified their emphasis on the right to vote, asserting that women had an actual duty to vote. How else could they regulate or abolish child labor? How else could they improve neighborhood health?
大家可以看到,这篇单短主要讨论了“妇女选举权(women’s suffrage)”这个话题,主要讲了在20世纪初的美国女性投票权和当时的社会状况尤其是社会福利(Social welfare)之间的关系。 妇女们相信,为了去实现这些社会改变,女人是需要有政治的权利的,尤其是选举权。(And women became convinced that, to accomplish social improvements, they needed political power, embodied in the vote.).也就是说,为了实现这些社会福利,必须要赋予女性选举权。很多考试在做这套题的时候因为不认识suffrage这个词,而全军覆没。所以对于基本词汇的了解是非常有必要的。