雅思写作    IELTS Pro forma
发布日期 :2017.07.03    浏览次数:2564 次

Shirley老师跟大家梳理一下中国城市的主要污染,并且描述一下这些污染的严重性。在很多外国媒体眼里,这也是对中国经济和科技发展迅速的一个最大抨击。有媒体这样总结:“China’s environmental crises seem to arise on a scale as sweeping and epic as the vast nation itself”(中国环境危机似乎已经上升到和这个巨大国家一样的的规模啦)。

第一个最大的污染,大家都能想象的到的,非常中国特色的,那就是空气污染(Air pollution)。有一个数据非常惊人,我们来看这一段:According to the Environmental Protection Agency’s air quality scale(根据环境保护组织的空气质量指标), any pollution rating above 300 means the air is unsafe to breathe(任何超过300的空气都是不安全的). Under these conditions(在这种情况之下), people should stay indoors with an air purifier running and remain as motionless as possible, according to U.S. Embassy Beijing guidelines(人们必须待在室内,而且需要空气净化器,并且能不动就不动). In January alone(就在一月份), there were 19 days when the index in Beijing surpassed that 300 threshold(北京有19天都超过了这个警戒线), according to the Washington Post, and readings above 500 are no longer unusual(并且超过500的都不是那么不寻常). 看到这一段大家有没有觉得想逃离大城市呢?

第二个让大家想移民的一个环境问题,是水污染Water pollution。第一条媒体一再报道的新闻是千百条死猪漂在黄浦江上(Thousands of dead pigs floating past Shanghai),不知道大家有没有印象。但是这还并不是那么令人担心的。更恐怖的是有害化学物质的泄露。不知道是国外媒体报道得太夸张,还是我们国内媒体粉饰太平。之前有华尔街日报报道,有苯泄露到黄浦江(a chemical accident leaked benzene, a known cancer-causing agent, into a tributary of the Huangpu River)。然后早年有经济学人报道中国地表水有一半都受污染了,没办法饮用(More than half of China’s surface water is so polluted it cannot be treated to make it drinkable, the Economist reports)。看到这些,我真的了解为什么好多年前我遇到在中国的老外一定只喝瓶装水。我感觉是被妖魔化了吧。

第三个被报道得比较多的,就是中国的沙漠化问题,Desertification。中国的人口巨大,而且农耕文明悠久,所以森林被砍伐得很厉害(Population pressure, the conversion of forests to farmland, and hydroelectric and other infrastructure projects have placed China’s remaining forests at risk.)。根据IPS新闻机构,中国三分之一的土地是沙漠,横跨18个省(About 1 million square miles (2.6 million sq km) of China is now under desertification — that’s about one-quarter of the country’s total land surface, spread across 18 provinces, according to IPS News Agency.)

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