托福写作    TOEFL Pro forma
发布日期 :2018.06.05    浏览次数:3620 次

Do you agree or disagree?Physical exercise is more important for older people than young people.

From a practical point of view, I think physical exercise is more important for the elderly than the younger people. In general, older people have weaker bodies and thus require more exercise to maintain their health, while younger people are more occupied in their careers that have less time and effort to exercise.

First off, the elderly people in our society have already devoted their youth toward their jobs and raising families, so they do not have the same type of social responsibility as the youths. In essence, they have more time to focus on maintaining their health. Compared to the elders, young people tend to be more energetic and thus require less amount of physical exercise to be healthy. In fact, jobs and family will naturally come in front of sparing time to exercise.

In addition, the elderly are more vulnerable toward illness. As we can see today, old people make a lot of difference if they work out compared to those who don’t. However, this is not the case for young people. The youth can naturally defend themselves better from all sorts of illness even without doing lots of exercising. It does not make that much of a difference compared to the elderly people, and thus the effects of physical exercise are less significant compared to the elders.

Last but not least, digital devices’ development in recent years also attracted elders to become obsessed with their functions. Many older people, such as my grandparents, are addicted to checking their phones regularly and playing games on them. The damage that phones and computers can do to old people is much greater because old people are neither mentally or physically fit to be addicted to the screens. They are less experienced dealing with advertisements which can potentially lead to scams, and their bodies are weaker for adapting a single position over long periods. Therefore, physical exercise is even more important for those who perform regular functions on their electronic devices. By working out, they are less attracted to phones and computers, thus enjoying a safer and healthier life.

Overall, sparing time for physical exercise should be essential for everyone including the old and the young. However, due to the nature of the society, young people are expected to be more focused on their careers and old people are expected to care for their own health. The youth have healthier bodies while the elders are less prepared against illness and digital devices. Thus in reality, physical exercise is more important for older people than the youths.
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