雅思口语    IELTS Pro forma
发布日期 :2017.12.25    浏览次数:2153 次


Basic 基础的, complicated 复杂的, complex 复杂的,
Abstract 抽象的, concrete 具体的, accurate 精确的, brief 简洁的, vivid 生动的,
Debate 争论、辩论, discuss 讨论, argue 争吵, quarrel 吵架,
Specific 特定的, particular 特别的, unique 独一无二的,
Effective 有效的, efficient有效率的,
Symbolize 代表, represent 代表,
Scenery 风景, sincere 真诚的, serene 平静安详的,
Hazy 有雾霾的, freezing 特别冷的, scorching 特别热的,
Enthusiastic 热情的, passionate富有激情的, positive 积极的,
Skyscrapers 摩天大楼, flyovers 立交桥, metropolis 国际化大都市,
Wardrobe 衣柜, bathtub 浴缸, dresser 梳妆台, study 书房,
Affect 影响(v.), effort 努力, effect 影响(n.), influential 有影响力的,
Random 随机的, regular 规律的, frequent 频繁的,
Persevering 不屈不挠的, persistent 坚持的, tough顽强的,
Advantage/disadvantage benefit/drawback merit/demerit优缺点
Invigorate 鼓舞, innovate 创新, advocate 宣扬,
Constantly 持续地, occasionally 偶尔的,
Compare 比较(v.), comparative 比较的, comparison 比较(n.),
Release 释放, relieve解除、减轻,
Cultivate培养, cultivable 可培养的, cultivated 有教养的,
Audio 语音的, visual 视觉的,
Atmosphere 气氛, phenomenon 现象,
Trifling 微小的, profound 意义深远的,
Inherit 继承, heritage 遗产,
Valuable 值钱的, treasure 珍惜、财宝, precious 宝贵的, fortune财富,
Mandatory 强制的, obsessive 强迫性的, compulsory义务的,
Needed 需要的, limited 有限的, advanced 先进的, developed 发达的,
Aspect 方面, section 部分, area 区域, portion 部分,
Shorten 缩短, strengthen 加强, weaken 减少、使变弱, lengthen 加长, broaden 扩宽,
User-friendly 方便实用的, multi-functional 多功能的,
Smashing 极好的, splendid灿烂的、精彩的、杰出的,
Various 各种各样的, versatile多才多艺的、万能的,
Renew 更新, timely 及时的,
Express 表达, declare 宣布, announce 宣布, convey 表达, confess 坦白, state 声明,
Current 目前的, trend 潮流, trendy 潮的,
Veritable 真正的、名副其实的, authentic真实的、可信的、正宗的,
objective 客观的, subjective 主观的,
Sociable 会社交的, talkative 健谈的, communicative 爱说话的,
Extroverted 外向的, introverted 内向的,
Rational 合理的、理性的, impulsive 冲动的,
Amusing 有趣的, entertaining 娱乐的, humdrum 单调的, dull 无趣的,
Important, significant, essential, crucial, vital 重要的(程度依次递增)

Sth (名词或代词) is a kind of thing/place/person... which/that/who is
Sth (名词或代词) is a person/place who/which gives me the impression of being adj./v.-ing.
Sth (名词或代词) is one of the most adj. n. I have ever seen/met/known.
地点 is a place where you can do sth.
时间 is a day/occasion/the time when you do sth.
The reason why 结果 is that 原因.
The most important thing is that
What impressed me the most is that




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